Measuring the impact of the strategy
Strategy Do we have a clear digital vision and strategy aligned with business objectives, actively championed by senior leaders based on understanding user needs & stakeholder engagement? | Technology Is the technology infrastructure reliable, scalable, and secure? Are systems integrated? Do we have the skills & capacity to operate, maintain & develop technology cost-effectively | Culture Do staff & students have necessary digital skills & awareness of cyber risks? Is there training & support? Is there a collaborative & agile mindset? Do we foster digital adoption & innovation? | Insights Are we able to derive useful insights from data and use to inform decision making? Is data collected, stored, & managed effectively to ensure data quality? | User Experience Do digital services provide seamless, personalised and intuitive user experiences? Do they meet evolving user needs? Is feedback used to improve them? Can people find & use these services? | Operations Is digital used effectively across learning, teaching, and research? Is technology used to improve the efficiency & effectiveness of business processes? | |
5 | Mature digital strategy drives decision-making and planning at all levels of the institution. | New technologies introduced in a resilient & scalable digital ecosystem that enables business agility & innovation. | Digital mindset embedded across the organisation. Staff and students empowered to experiment and innovate. | Decisions always supported by data. Insights are shared across the institution. Data best practices are embedded. | Highly personalised omni channel experiences. User insights drive continuous service improvements. | Operations fully optimised through digital technologies. Continuous improvement & innovation practices embedded. |
4 | Published digital strategy championed by leadership. Continuous engagement with stakeholders and users. | Integrated solutions deliver joined-up services, securely, simplify access, and drive efficiency. | Empowered cross-functional digital teams collaborate to drive change and improve services across the institution. | Effective use of data to inform decisions & improve services across several areas. Good data practices widely adopted. | Experiences are joined up, enabled by system integration. Good UX practices shared across the institution. | Digital technologies are used effectively across all areas of operations and most business processes are automated. |
3 | Well-defined strategy, growing understanding of user needs and buy-in from stakeholders. | Basic technology is reliable, secure, & partially integrated. Cyber security is reactive rather than embedded | Digital skills development is actively supported. Agile is adopted in some areas. | Growing capability and access to data at operational level, some use of insights to inform service improvements. | User experience and service design capabilities embedded in digital technology practices. Experience improves in places. | Digital technologies embraced across operations. Processes are streamlined & automated in some areas. |
2 | Emerging strategy not yet shared with stakeholders. Very limited understanding of user needs. | Essential infrastructure exists but unreliable, not integrated, and exposed to cyber threats. | Levels of digital literacy vary. Pockets of innovation exist. Some interest in agile but not yet practiced. | Integrated core systems enable management reporting. Data access and capability are very limited at the operational level. | Inconsistent experience, some efforts to gather feedback and use it to inform improvements but not joined-up. | Digital supports collaboration but business processes are inefficient, and gaps remain. |
1 | No digital vision or strategy. | Lack of essential technology infrastructure needed to deliver business functions. | Lack of basic digital literacy. Siloed culture with no interest in innovation. | Poor data management and lack of integration, no insights available to support decisions. | User experience consistently poor and no effort made to gather feedback or improve it. | Only basic digital capabilities are used in operations leaving a lot of room for improvement and process inefficiencies. |